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West Connect - Industrial Factories

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West Connect - Industrial Factories Empty West Connect - Industrial Factories

Post  propertylaunchguru Thu Aug 18, 2016 9:12 pm

West Connect - Industrial Factories West-Connect-1

West Connect is a brand-new B2 ramp up industrial property designed by the far-famed SLP International Property Consultants and will ascend on Jalan Buroh Street in District 22, Singapore.

West Connect is due to yield 383 factory units and 1 canteen in a 9-storey soaring building. This interesting project close to the sought-after Jurong Lake District is to be fulfilled this 2016 with a 30-year land tenure.

Building characteristics such as 3 service lifts, a 20 feet ramp up access and 40 feet direct loading and unloading of stocks at the ground floor will be very much simpler for tenants to coordinate their stocks. West Connect is sure as shooting a perfect business space solution for many pushful companies.

West Connect can likewise be a lot for numerous other purposes like automobile repairs, welding, wood works, metal services, carpentry and other viable industries. And for safety intents, imparted facilities such as automatic fire sprinklers, emergency lights and signs and telephone box are likewise included in the project.


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